John Fülöp, is a registered architect in Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, and is certified by the National Council of Registration Boards.
Born in Budapest, Hungary in 1941, Fülöp studied architecture at Yale University, and over the years has won numerous awards for his architectural designs and planning proposals, including the Brunner Award presented by the Architectural League of New York for his Prefabricated Housing/Regional Planning Study.
Fülöp established his architectural studio in New York City in 1974, and in addition to his focus on architecture, he also worked as a graphic artist, photographer and multi-media artist. Exhibitions in Soho galleries as well as several Avant Garde Arts Festivals in New York City provided opportunities to present his multi-media work. As head of his architectural firm he designed and oversaw a wide range of built projects throughout the East Coast and abroad. Mr. Fülöp has designed facilities ranging from residential to commercial and institutional. Schools, Community Centers, Health Clubs, Artist's Lofts. Single Family to Multiunit Residential, and Experimental Theaters also include some of the projects. A variety of project types was also developed and designed with associate Bill Richardson in the Appalachian region of Eastern Kentucky.
During the early years of the firm, the office was located in a Mott Street loft in New York City's Little Italy. In 1983, the office moved to larger quarters in the landmark Singer Building, at Broadway and Prince Street. This cast iron building would have been demolished, along with the rest of the historic buildings in the district that would eventually become known as SOHO, if the plan for the lower Manhattan Expressway, had become a reality.
Thirty years ago, he opened a satellite office inWesternMassachusetts. This second office where he concentrates on residential work has provided better access to area building projects. For Fülöp, the Berkshires have been a place to experiment and develop project ideas. In 1981 he was commissioned to design an affordable private residence in Monterey which was later developed as a prototype small"starter" house. Published in Popular Science Magazine over thirty four years ago, it has become popular with many people all over the world because of its size, efficiency and economy. Many versions of this low cost house have since been built throughout the United States and abroad. It has since become the basis for his interest in affordable housing.
In all the work done by the firm, Fülöp remains committed to constant research and experimentation in new and appropriate forms of architectural expression for energy conserving buildings, while at the same time keeping an eye toward meeting budgetary restrictions. New buildings have been the bulk of the work outside the Metropolitan area, while many of the projects in urban locations involve the reuse of existing structures
Working as a volunteer in the Berkshires, he spearheaded the planning of a Community Center for South Berkshire County and in connection with that project, co-founded Great Barrington's South County Music School in 1995 which remained open for five years serving over 650 students. Recently elected President of the Community Land Trust of the Southern Berkshires he will be able to formulate plans for housing that is affordable to young families moving to the Berkshires region.
Having designed several Health Club and Community Center facilities, Fülöp's interest in sports facilities is enhanced by his still active participation in competitive swimming. He has won several National Masters Swimming Championships. Currently Mr. Fülöp lives in West Stockbridge while still maintaining a small office presence in New York City.
Community Land Trust of the Southern Berkshires, Berkshire Community Land Trust:
Great Barrington, MA; President, Board of Trustees as of Jan. 2017
February 2014 – Present
Highland Affordable Housing, Inc.: Truro, MA: Member of the Board of Trustees
March 2012 – September 2014
West Stockbridge, MA Sustainability Committee: West Stockbridge, MA: Committee Member
January 2012 – September 2012
Singer Studio Co-op Board: 561 Broadway, NYC (Soho): Board Member
September 2003 – September 2008
South County Music School: Great Barrington, MA: Co-Founder and Volunteer Interim Director
June 1995 – June 2000
Great Barrington Rudolf Steiner School: Master Plan Committee
West Stockbridge Town Hall; Master Plan Committee: West Stockbridge, MA
September 1993
Berkshire Housing Development Corporation: West Stockbridge, MA
September 1991 - September 1995
Volunteer Swimming Coach; Marion Fathers Swimming Pool: Stockbridge, MA
September 1992 – April 2002
Wainwright House Conference and Lecture Center Master Plan; Rye, NY
September 1990
Community Center of the Southern Berkshires Proposal: Great Barrington, MA
August 1989 - July 1995
Affordable Housing Committee: Town of West Stockbridge
September 1987 - September 1995
President, Co-Op Board - Singer Studio Corp. Building: NYC
September 1984 - September 1988
Affordable Solar-Sustainable House: "Little Big House Project": Monterey, Massachusetts
May 1981 – March 2017
Energy Conservation Projects, New York Metropolitan Area, The Berkshires
August 1980 - August 1989
Volunteer Masters Swim Coach, President of Metro Masters Swim Club
Manhattan Plaza Swim and Health Club: Corner of 43rd St. & 10th Ave, NYC
March 1979 – August 1988
"Step by Step", a New Age Community Masterplan - Middletown, NY
March 1976 - 1978
Eastern Kentucky Projects: Work with Associate William Richardson, Whitesburg, Kentucky
January 1975 – November 1979
"Grass & Steel" - Producer of Multimedia Slide Show: sponsored by the AIA
September 1974 - May 1975
"Portable City" Project Proposal - Founder and Director of Design, New York City
January 1974 - November 1974
New York State Bicentennial Celebration Master Plan; Sampson State Park, Lake Seneca, NY
Photographer/Editor/Productioner: Commercial Slide Films - Various Places
January 1971 - July 1976
Lamb and Fülöp, Architect Partners: New York City
September 1971- September 1974;
John Fülöp, Multi-Media Artist, Photographer: New York, Massachusetts Region
September 1970 – August 1976
LIDD Light Show Group: Designer of Inflatable Structures, Photographer, Producer of Multi Screen Projected Slide Films:
February 1970 – October 1972
Museum-Housing Complex Proposal; Welfare Island, NYC
Mobile Homes Redesign Proposal: Mobile Home Industries Inc.
"Movies in the Park": New York City, Various Upstate New York Cities, Towns
January 1970 - July 1978
The Architectural League of New York: Lecture Series Chairman: NYC
January 1969 – December 1970
Graphic Design Work for the Concert Artists Guild - Carnegie Recital Hall, NYC
September 1968- September 1971
The Architectural League of New York - Arnold W. Brunner Scholarship Award
December 1969 - May 1970 "Megalopolis Redesigned"
Work Done as an Architectural Intern:
Architectural Designer, Draftsman: Office of Zachary Rosenfield & Partners, Architects; NYC
September 1969 - June 1971
Architectural Designer, Draftsman: Office of Edward L. Barnes, Architect, New York, NY
October 1969 – June 1970
Architectural Designer, Draftsman: Hardy, Holzman and Pfeiffer, Architects, New York, NY
February 1969 – May 1970
Project Designer: Office of Ulrich Franzen, Architect, New York, NY
September 1968 – October 1969
Designer, Draftsman: Bull, Field, Volkmann and Stockwell, Architects: San Francisco, CA
July 1968 – September 1968
Architectural Designer, Draftsman: Office of Moore-Turnbull Architects: New Haven, Conn.
January 1968 – July 1968
Architectural Designer, Draftsman: Office of Alden Berman, Architect; New Haven, Conn.
1966-1968 •
Architectural Designer, Draftsman: Office of Bruce Arneil, Architect; New Haven, Conn.
1966-1968 •
Architectural Designer, Draftsman: Office of Lathrop Douglass, Architect; New York City
1966 •
Architectural Designer, Draftsman: Office of André Halász, Architect; Greenwich, Conn.
1965 •
Architectural Designer, Draftsman: Office of Robert Levien, Engineer; Forest Hills, NY
SUMMER 1964 •
Yale University: Master of Architecture (March) 1965–1968
Activities, Awards and Societies:
- A Highway Hospitality Center on The Pennsylvania Turnpike
- Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company Competition: Honorable Mention, at Yale University - Dec. 1966
- A new Civic Center for Birmingham, Alabama: Competition. Co-Recipient of the Yale Koppers Prize for Architectural Design; 1966 (with James Terrell)
- "Shape of Community; Realization of Human Potential" book by Serge Chermayeff and Alexander Tzonis: funded by the Twentieth Century Find 1967. Spent a good part of semester Illustrating this book, a study of the evolution of technology and it's effects on urban growth, and the decline of mass transit systems.
- Third Year at the Architecture School became essentially a year long independent project with an occasional "crit" and sketch project interspersed. I chose to design a Nursing Home for a site located in New Haven. At the end of the year, this Model of the Nursing Home was chosen to be included in the Archives of the Architecture School.
City University of NY - (CCNY) - Bachelor of Science (BS): Architecture, Engineering: 1963–1965
City University of NY - (Queens College): Mathematics, Art: 1959–1963
Activities and Societies:
- Co-Captain of the Swimming Team 1961-63
- Member of the Water Polo Team 1962, 1963
- Performed in the Annual Aquatic Show 1963
- Grey Knight Varsity Award 1963
High School of Music and Art: Diploma: Art, Architecture: 1956–1959
Activities and Societies:
- Art Honor Award 1959
Registered Architect: MA, NY, NJ, CT; NCARB
- PPG Competition Prize; Yale University 1966: Honorable mention awarded by the glass company for the design of a "Highway Hospitality Center" on the Pennsylvania Turnpike.
- Koppers Prize; Yale University 1967: A one thousand dollar prize awarded by the roofing company to an architectural student project each year.
- Newsday Sunday Magazine; June 11, 1969 Issue: Alteration and Addition to the Brofsky Residence, Roslyn, NY - Originally built in 1946 as a Levitt development residence.
- The Barlow School Winterim 1970: A semester of work/study teaching at the JFA studio in New York for a senior at this private boarding school located in Amenia, NY.
- Arnold W. Brunner Scholarship Award Winner 1970: presented by The Architectural League of New York- Research grant to study prefabricated modular housing building techniques and their applications to various current planning principals incorporating a regional housing and transportation plan for the East Coast: “Megalopolis Redesigned”.
- New York Times; July 1, 1970 article "Movies in the Park”: For sponsoring agencies, NYC Dept. of Parks, Signet Productions and the Lincoln Center Film Society.
- New York Daily News; July 9, 1970 article "Movies in the Park": Designed and supervised the construction of a portable movie environment. Free, experimental films were shown in the five boroughs of New York City.
- "Sight and Sound"; WNYC-TV Show 1972: One half hour interview and slide presentation on New York City buildings and neighborhoods.
- Loeb Student Center, Multimedia Show, New York University 1972: Working with LIDD, a NYC Light Show group, presented various slide films of New York City inside a giant inflatable structure. A multimedia city/country slide presentation within an inflatable structure. Live music with a light show was also part of the presentation.
- Student Center, S.U.N.Y. at New Paltz, NY 1972: A multimedia slide presentation within an inflatable structure. Live music was also part of the presentation.
- O.C.C.C. Student Center, Orange County Community College 1972: A multimedia presentation within an inflatable structure that filled an entire gymnasium. Live music was also part of the presentation. Done in conjunction with L.I.D.D.
- Interior Design Magazine; April 1972: Article on the Louis Guy'D Salon interior, a midtown Madison Avenue hair styling salon in NYC.
- OCULUS (NYC/AIA Publication); June Issue: Article on an JFA produced AIA Multimedia slide show "GRASS and STEEL" about Density, Housing and the Environment.
- Newburgh, NY Arts Council 1973: Slide films on various aspects of New York City slide films were presented at this Arts Council sponsored public showing.
- American Institute of Planners Conference 1973: Mohonk Mountain House, New Paltz, NY: Slide presentation of New York City and its neighborhoods.
- Niranium Slide Film 1973; Produced a film strip for a dental component parts manufacturer. Part company promotion, part teaching aid for dental technicians. It was produced for distribution in the U.S., South America and Europe.
- Super Sagless Spring Corporation; Tupelo, Miss. 1973; Produced a slide film for a furniture component manufacturer for a distribution in the US & Europe.
- New York Daily Post; Eugenia Sheppard’s "Around the Town" 1973: Article on Willie Woo’s multimedia slide fantasy presentation showing jewelry created from dice and dominoes “under construction”. Designed, photographed and produced by JF Associates for a jewelry designer in New York.
- Willie Woo Slide Film June 1973: A slide film fantasy for a New York jewelry designer describing everyday objects taken out of their ordinary context (dice and dominoes “under construction”) to become jewelry. Presented at the Plaza Hotel to overwhelmingly positive critical review. Designed, photographed and produced by JF Associates.
- "Grass & Steel" Multimedia Slide Show; produced for the American Institute of Architects 1974: Worked with the AIA Environmental Education Committee: Bernard Spring, Dean of the School of Architecture, CCNY; Sigmund Grava, Planning Department, Columbia University; Barry Benepe, Planner: funded by the New York State Council on the Arts. Photographed, directed and produced a slide film on the pros and cons of various planning configurations and densities of the Living Environment. For distribution by the AIA. Funded by a NY State Council on the Arts grant.
- Welfare Island Museum-Housing Complex, NYC 1974: Proposal prepared for Friends of Central Park to publicize alternatives to the proposed addition to the Metropolitan Museum of Art to house the temple of Dendur.
- Montgomery Ward Film Strip 1974; Produced a slide film for nationwide distribution at the management level, included instructions for product display techniques.
- Hampshire College Lecture, 1974 Northampton, MA: Slide presentation and discussion of various New York City neighborhoods, to a group of sociology and design students.
- Museum of Contemporary Crafts Catalog, October-January 1974: Article on the PORTABLE WORLD EXHIBIT, NYC (Included the PORTABLE CITY proposal, a neighborhood revitalization planning project designed by JF Associates).
- "Lickity-Split-City", at the "KITCHEN", January 26. 1974: A multimedia show at the Mercer Arts Center in SOHO, NYC; a presentation of New York City, its architecture, neighborhoods and architectural elements.
- Variety; July 10, 1974: "Movies in the Park", designed for NYC Department of Parks and The Lincoln Center Film Society.
- Avant Garde Festival (8th Annual); 69th Regiment, Armory; (25th Street) NYC; November 19, 1974: Architectural Multimedia presentation on New York, its buildings and people.
- Avant Garde Festival (9th Annual): South Street Seaport, Manhattan, November 1975 Show:Architectural Multimedia presentation inside one of the ships docked at the museum. A New York City slide fantasy, its buildings and people.
- “Fast for Life”, Central Park; NYC, 1975: A Central Park - Jamaica Bay fast by the group “Environment” to protest the encroachments into Central Park and Jamaica Bay, both green areas losing ground to the City’s need for building space. Built a temporary “Movie Environment” and presented the slide film on New York City.
- Concert Artists Guild 1976: Designed posters for various Carnegie Recital Hall concerts of all the artists sponsored by this arts organization.
- "Slide show of John Fülöp Associates work" 1981: for a French Construction Group at the New York Sheraton Hotel; sponsored by Codetem America Inc. Included a tour of an upper West Side brownstone renovation in progress.
- Popular Science; November 1981 Issue: "Little Big House" A small, affordable year round house built in the Berkshire Hills of western Massachusetts.
- Popular Science; August 1982 Issue: "Gate House", article featuring a two bedroom house with passive solar heating.
- "Most for your Money"; New York Shopping and Services Guide 1983: Joan Hamburg's listings for best NYC small firm doing interior design work.
- Popular Science, "A Family of Little Big Houses"January 1984 Issue: A collection of "starter" Solar Houses built from mail order plans available from JF Associates.
- Better Homes and Gardens, Remodeling Ideas: Spring 1984 Issue: Alteration and additions to the Ann Payne Residence; Easton, Md.
- Homeowner Magazine: "Designer's Sketchbook", September Issue: Designed an article for the series, “The Ranch House of America redesigned”; "Elegant Entryways".
- Homeowner Magazine: "Designer's Sketchbook", October Issue: Designed an article for the series, “The Ranch House of America redesigned”; "Remodeling Approaches" for adding space to cookie cutter Ranch Homes.
- Traditional Home, Winter 1988-89 Issue: Payne Residence, Easton, Md.: Alterations and additions to an existing Eastern Shore Farmhouse.
- "The Soul of the City and Poetics of Shape, Space and Symbols", 1989: a paper presented to a "The City and the Soul" conference of psychoanalysts In Playa De Careyes, Mexico. Sponsored by the Institute for Depth Psychology, Wainwright House, Rye, NY.
- Lecture Series Chairman; The Architectural League of New York: Organized and hosted a series of lectures by artists, architects, planners and leading figures in associated arts from all over the world.
- Earth Day Multimedia Show: Convent of the Sacred Heart, NYC; presentation of a slide film of environmental problems facing NYC. Presented to the entire student body of this parochial high school.
- "Architectural Alternatives" Lecture; Pratt Institute: Brooklyn, NY: A group of design students visit my studio for a presentation on alternative professional practice modes. Various works are shown including graphics, film, architecture, photography.
- Berkshire Eagle, Berkshire Record, Berkshire Courier, The Advocate 1990-2000: Various articles about the proposed “Community Center of the Southern Berkshires” facility to be built in Great Barrington, and the South County Music School; which opened in October 1995. In addition,
- Interviews on WSBS the local AM radio station, WAMC the region's public radio station and CTSB-TV, the local cable access television about the Community Center project.
- Berkshire Living Magazine - June 2006: Feature article on the Nachman Residence in South Egremont, MA.
- Berkshire Eagle, Berkshire Record, January 2012: Articles on a JF Associates proposal to redevelop the area around, and including, three mill buildings in Housatonic, MA into a new “Town Center” for housing, the arts and commerce.
- Edible Berkshires; “Greening Your Shelter”, Fall 2013 issue: an article about steps to improving residential energy efficiency, featuring the Malik Residence in Great Barrington, MA.